Introducing a student of Sharif University of Technology as a model student in the country

Aziz Shahraki, a PhD student in the Faculty of Engineering and Materials Science of Sharif University of Technology, was selected for the 29th edition of the Model Student Festival in 1400.

According to the public relations report, the sample student festival of the year aims to model exemplary students, promote the culture of learning science,
research and production of science, promote students' motivation in purposeful dynamics and engage in scientific and cultural affairs, encourage students to
nurture all aspects of personality in areas Various educational, research, cultural and ethical, guiding top and best students to produce various products
(scientific-research articles, book writing, research and technological projects, etc.) were held.
The exemplary student of Sharif University of Technology has so far succeeded in publishing 6 ISI scientific articles in prestigious foreign journals
including international ceramics, presenting 9 scientific research papers, extension scientific and conference papers in prestigious international
conferences such as Iranian Ceramic Congress, completing several research projects in ceramics industry and Refractory includes the production of
regenerative insulation bricks, refractory nano-mortar, nano-coating of furnace furniture, various types of gas and electric furnaces and the compilation
of 4 volumes of specialized books on thermometry in ceramic furnaces, dolomite refractories, piezoceramics and lime kilns.
In the field of cultural activities, dear Shahraki, we can mention the holding of pottery and ceramic art workshops on the topics of dot stamping, forty
pieces, rotation, hand and face molding, active membership in the Center for Visual Arts and the Sharif University of Technology.

Also, obtaining the first rank of doctoral degree among incoming students, active as a cultural official and consultant in various fields of culture,
science, research in the town where he lives is another honor of this exemplary student of Sharif University of Technology.

It is worth mentioning that Aziz Shahraki has been an active member of the Nano and Astronomy Association and has been a executive staff member of the
Sharif University of Technology Movement Festival for 3 years.